I used to think I wouldn’t grow old
That was just a story
That some other folks told
But things are changing rapidly
I just might be sold
I guess I’m not too hip to grow old
(in time)
Graying hair and new hammertoes
Crepey-Looking skin
I just can’t cover up with clothes
The evidence in mounting
Do you suppose
This is how the story goes?
Oh I was kind of a star
Back in my salad days
When adventure’d come along
I’d nab it
So when your turn comes up baby
Better grab it!
This is how the thing will unfold
Sorry, but the truth can sometimes be cold
Everyone who’s living now
Will turn into mold
Cuz no one is too hip to grow old!
Kazoo Solo
Oh I was kind of a star
Back in my salad days
When adventure’d come along
I’d nab it
So when your turn comes up baby
I suggest that you grab it
This is how the thing will unfold
Sorry, but the truth can sometimes be cold
Everyone who’s living now
Will turn into mold
Cuz no one is too hip to grow old!
No one is too hip to grow old
So I'm told
No one is too hip to grow old
Don't mean to scold
But no one is too hip to grow old!
It may sound funny
But I don't like sunny days
Wherever you go
You're followed by those powerful rays
I'm in the minority, don't know of a sorority
For people who feel like me
Cuz when I see the sun
I come a little undone
I don't need all of that light to see
It's gettin agitatin
I'm sittin here waitin
For a cloudy day
I like a cape of gray
I like my light diffused
On a cloudy day
I feel I just can't lose
It's a major imposition
On my very disposition
And it feels a little hard to share
Cuz when they see the sun
Most people thinks of fun
It's so popular everywhere
I'm a pretty big fan of a golden tan
And I really do love me some beach
But what really stirs my heart
Is when a cloudy day's within my reach
Give me a cloudy, rainy
Misty, springtime afternoon
That would feel real good
I hope it's coming soon
To my neighborhood
Cuz then I'll change my tune
Some already know it
But I often do not show it
Because people will give me the stare
As if I've lost my mind and I usually find There's hardly any sympathy there
But now my story's out
I'm gonna sing and shout
That gray days are my jam
They nourish me like food
And they improve my mood
They're part of who I am
Nothing like a cool, crisp autumn day
With gold leaves all around
And with no sun in sight
You know I feel alright
My spirit's coming around
So thanks for bearing witness
Cuz my healthy mental fitness
Is what comes from writing a song
And since this song's about me
You don't have to agree
But I thank you for coming along
And since this song's about me
You don't have to agree
But I thank you for coming along!
Spent 20 years as a mom
20 more as someone's wife
But things don't last, it's come to pass
I've got a brand new life
I've got the empty nest blues
Got em every single day
I got the empty nest blues
Since my child has flown away
I used to tour the world
Working as a musician
That's the way
I'd thought it would stay
Never had the premonition
I'd have the empty nest blues
Have em every single night
I got the empty nest blues
Since my child has taken flight
I knew that it was comin'
I can't tell any lies
But anyway, it's hard to say
I never fully realized
I'd have the empty nest blues
Have em every single day
I got the empty nest blues
Since my child has flown away
I've got the empty nest blues
I've got the empty nest blues
My house is dark and cold
My body's feeling old
I got the empty nest blues
Can you tell me something new
Just one thing
I might not know about you
About your long ago that might reveal
How you really feel
Give us something more
You've never said before
What would you like the world to know?
Depression Era Girl
You were taught all of your life
That it just wasn't right
To sing your own song
You played by all the rules
And yet I sense you feel
They've let you down some
You're that stoic generation
That suffered all the while
Feeling you deserved it
While faking outward smiles
What do you want to tell the world?
Depression Era Girl
Use is up, wear it out
Make it due
Or you can do without
Today the world is made of fools
No one here remembers the rules
Did you live your life in vain
If nothing here has changed?
You have your doubts
About the future of the world
Depression Era Girl
It seems a point of pride
That you choose to hide
What's in your heart
The dad you never had
The scarcity you felt right from the start
But tell us how you feel now
Before it's time to go
What is it that you want the world to know?
Depression Era Girl
What can I do? What can I say?
To help you understand
That everything's OK
You played your part
You did your best
Now it's time to lay it all to rest
Depression Era girl
I promise that you improved this world
Depression Era Girl
I promise that you improved this world
Depression Era Girl
Everyday this life can be
So much more than a body can take
I am not unusual
Everybody needs a break
You're giving me the inspiration
To get up on another day
I can feel you're on my side
And I know you're there to stay
Makes me want to say
Ooh, now I want you near me
I hope that you hear me
When I say
Ooh, I'm so glad I found you
Want to be around you
Every moment of this life
It was part of the plan all along
Even those mistakes I made
Not a single one of them wrong
Sometimes it's hard to see
The way things are working out
You're back in my life again
And I know what that's about
tYou take away the doubt
Ooh, now I want you near me
Hoping that you hear me
When I say
Ooh, I'm so glad I found you
Want to be around you
In the landscape of my life
There's a color that is only you
Looking out over that rainbow
Searching for the hue
That's you
Ooh, now I want you near me
Hoping that you hear me
When I say
Ooh, I'm so glad I found you
Want to be around you
Everday, everday, everyday
I'm pulling up late
Restless and bored
I'd like to leave my job
But I can't afford it
So I'm waiting
I've got some cut-rate liquor
For my cut-rate life
You grow up in this town
Just to be some
Poor boy's wife
Now I'm waiting for a savior
To take me away
Waiting for a savior
I'm waiting
There's a war in my life
Just to get my job done
If I make it til 5
It's one more battle I've won
Moon comes up
Now here comes the sun
Watch me here I go
On the treadmill I'm runnin'
And I'm waiting for a savior
To take me away
Waiting for a savior
I can't wait forever
That would take too long
I can't wait forever
Please don't get me wrong
It's just my chances are slimmer
Than my take-home pay
To get out of this place
And be someone someday
Doesn't everybody feel this way?
So now I'm
Waiting for a savior
To take me away
Waiting for a savior
I'm waiting
In this life we can say yes or no
We can come and go as we please
Freedoms we are blessed to know
Limitless as the breeze
Take not a moment of this life for granted
The seeds of your future have been planted
And it will be OK, today
Singing ooh, singing ooh,
We're making us a memory now
People come into our lives
In ways we cannot understand
Somehow it all fits in place
As if there just might be a plan
Take all the pieces you're given now
Receive all the gifts life will allow
And it will be OK, somehow
Singing ooh, singing ooh
We're making us a memory now
We can't see how it's all gonna go
There are things in this life
That you and I will never know
Stand inside this moment
And savor everything
Know that your just being here
Makes the heavens ring
With all the love you bring
Makes me wanna sing
Singing ooh, singing ooh
We're making us a memory now
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Life can sometimes
Look just like
A puzzle to be solved
There are no clear answers
And no on is absolved
It's a daunting task
To be here, much to our chagrin
But with love inside our hearts
Now that's a good place to begin
Stand on the mountain
Look out both far and wide
Everything that you can see
You can find inside
Won't you stand on the mountain
Like you're Lord of all the rings
Stand on the mountain
No more waiting in the wings
Feelings can be passionate
Both love and hate can flare
Only you can temper that
If you become aware
Know that we're all playing parts
The best that we can do
Make your journey one
That's made of love
And we will all get through
There is no one way to do things
Everybody makes mistakes
The beauty of this life is that
We sometimes get
Second takes
So won't you
Stand on the mountain
Look out both far and wide
Everything that you can see
You can find inside
So won't you
Stand on the mountain
Like you're Lord of all the rings
Stand on the mountain
No more waiting in the wings
Stand on the mountain
No more waiting in the wings
How did we get here
To a world that's so divided?
Have we not confided
In each other for so long?
We should know by now
Inside we're all the same
Yet we play a game
We know is wrong
If we could only see
Into each other's hearts
If we could only see
Into those secret parts
I am certain we would find
A common mind
If only for a minute in time
Stinging accusations
And contentious ways abound
Bombs fall to the ground
Like springtime seed
Darkest nights and darker days
The pall of hate makes its way
Leaving in its wake
Fear and need
If we could only see
Into each other's hearts
If we could only see
Into those secret parts
I am certain we would find
A common mind
If only for a minute in time
How much longer can we survive
If we don't heed the voice inside?
We may disappear
But the universe
Will still be here
If we could only see
Into each other's hearts
If we could only see
Into those secret parts
I am certain we would find
One common mind
If only for a minute in time
If only for a minute...
In time