My songs give voice to the self-reflection that comes with age. The topics are relatable to anyone who's taking inventory of their life and settling into new contemplations. Gone are the daily tasks of parenthood, and along with this new terrain come new concerns and priorities. But it's not all heady stuff here - I do love a novelty two-beat number and a well-placed kazoo solo. You can watch my videos here.
My teaching style is unique and unconventional, and I guarantee success after your very first lesson. While I can teach beginners, my focus is on the older student, from middle-schoolers to seniors. Whether you want to demystify theory or just play a compelling three-chord song - I am here to help. You'll enjoy success after your very first lesson.
This is a collection of essays chronicling my transition from life as a musician living in the Chicago metro area to my role as a single mother in rural upstate New York.
You provide the space and the audience, and I'll provide an afternoon or evening of music, stories and camaraderie. Celebrating a person, place or event? I'll craft your own personal song to mark the occasion.